Forum is up! :) 
I found a forum...a good of those free versions of a commercial forum. So far its dependable. The only problem is that it shows the company's logo on the main forum page. Blah! I'm looking for a better one.
I hope to see you guys down there!

[ 110 comments ] ( 11002 views )   |   ( 3 / 718 )
Warning: Forum is down 
Here I am at my aunt's huge house, typing away at this laptop which has not been connected to the Internet for ages! I deleted the forum. It was so buggy it was absolutely driving me crazy, so I am trying some other forum software. Then I will put on a guestbook (hopefully that will get a little more attention than my commentless blog! :) ).
My aunt has a very shy but very pretty cat called Spot. I saw her three times so far today, which is a record for me. I also got to pet her for the first time yesterday. I was sitting a chair reading a book of Far Side cartoons when she came up to me meowing, and I petted her, and she sat there for a minute, and then walked away. Usually she dashes away at the sight of us!
Clan Keeper is on hold for now. We bought Mario Kart for the Wii for a friend, and in the bargain we get to try it out. I will say how much I like it or don't like it: I NEED IT FOR CHRISTMAS! Do you get the idea? :)
Yesterday we spent ages going shopping. I tried out Wii Sports Resort at TWO different stores, plus I got to try to use an iPod at one of them. I just could not figure out how to properly navigate the menus of the iPod. Usually I can manage such things.
Anyway, see you guys later! I have to go and download some stuff!

[ 215 comments ] ( 4500 views )   |   ( 2.9 / 742 )
Next trip accomplished successfully! 
Yesterday we drove for two hours to another house, where three kids and their parents live. We enjoyed playing a little with them that evening and then went to bed very tired.
Today we went to a place--hmm, what should I call it?--where there are old houses and reconstructions of old houses with people dressed in outfits of that time period walking around and doing work. We went a tour and saw a mill and a fancy house. It was pretty interesting. We also got to see lots of squirrels, mallard ducks, a calf, and sheep freely walking around the place!
I hope that my wi-fi card will start working. This family has wireless but I can't use it without the card working.
And by the way...Clan Keeper is completely done except for help, Watch Clan, and deployment! Hurray! I also have a sort of a bug with saving the allegiances--the way it saves it is not quite as neat as I could have wanted. But hey, it's better than nothing! If I really don't like it, though, I can always change it so that you can 1) copy and paste and/or 2) print it out. I think I'll add copy and paste anyways in a later version, as well as even more saving capabilities. Some of them will be so that you can save all the information you put in, so if you want to stop using Clan Keeper you don't lose your info.

[ 35 comments ] ( 2067 views )   |   ( 3 / 632 )
Today--showers (thumbs down), my dad comes (thumbs up) 
I am here typing as the washing machine fills. When it's finished, I have to go take a shower, so I'm going to make it quick!
Today my dad is finally coming here! Did I mention before that the rest of my family (my mom, Catherine, and me) went to America first, and then my dad is coming later? He's coming today, in fact! Hurray! I can't wait to fix the wireless on the laptop. I mean, I hope that I can fix the wireless on the laptop.
My three shots are feeling a bit better. I feel awfully stiff when I wake up after staying in basically the same position for the whole night! One of them has a big red spot all around it. I kind of freaked out when I first noticed (I sure did not want to have to go to the doctor because of some mysterious bad reaction) but thankfully my mom said that it was perfectly normal.
Goodbye and see you later! LEAVE A COMMENT!!!! Sign up for the wiki! Sign up for the forums! What on earth are you waiting for?!

[ 39 comments ] ( 5371 views )   |   ( 2.9 / 657 )
Blah blah blah... 
Blah blah I needed 3 shots and my lucky sister only needed one. Now both arms ache and I am practicing the art of typing using only wrist and finger muscles. I hate flu shots especially (last time my arm ached really bad for a week) though personally I'd rather have an aching arm than the flu.
On the sunnier side, I just realized how close I am to finishing Clan Keeper! All I have to do is finish the kit and elder functions, fix the silly Watch Clan, slog through deployment, and I'm done! I think the deployment will be the hardest, so it's a good thing that it's last. I'm not sure if I'll even have time to offer a beta.
We're going to go to the library after lunch! Hurray! :) I mean, hopefully we'll go to the library. I really want them to have Redwall books! Did I mention before that I like the Redwall series better than Warriors so far? Warriors is going downhill more and more steeply nowadays, though with the release of Bluestar's Prophecy fans are talking more about Warriors being revived. Well, the release of the Warriors Adventure Game didn't help much.
Anyway, I am going to completely rewrite my text editor Alison Text. I think I will either 1) do it when I finish kit, elder, and Watch Clan functions for Clan Keeper or 2) when I finish every last Clan Keeper thing, including deployment. I think that by the time I'm done with 1 I'm going to want a break. The only problem is that if my new Alison Text gets impossibly buggy, I'll be going back to Clan Keeper feeling defeated. Oh well, I've done so before.
And by the way, the wi-fi card is STILL not working (splat the ornery thing), but my wierd problems with the blog and wiki are completely fine. When it comes to the forums, I am totally disgusted with the software. I'm looking for some new software, so once again Firefox is filled up with SourceForge tabs.

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