Hello again from my laptop! 
Hi! Yesterday I went to a house where there's a girl my age, and she also invited a friend of hers. So we played Chopsticks and Spoons (Spoons is the best card game ever for breaking the ice, by the way) and then we messed around on some DSs and a computer. So they've joined my forum (hurray!) and added a comment to my blog! Super hurray! Today we're going swimming (another hurray) and having lunch with grandparents and some of my cousins. This is going to be a GREAT day! Hurray! (I counted four hurrays :) )
The related link is to the website of one of those girls I was playing with. It's all about animals! She also has a website (like me!) about her imaginary world.

[ 234 comments ] ( 14613 views )   |  related link  |   ( 3 / 635 )
hello from another laptop! 
I'm going crazy with two other girls my age and its FUN!

[ 255 comments ] ( 19933 views )   |   ( 2.9 / 636 )
Which forum do I choose? Navboard or disputa.de? 
Two forums so far look good and I don't know any other possibilities. One of them (Navboard) is currently trying to save settings. It doesn't look like it's succeeding. On the other hand, Navboard supposedly lets you not show their logo, which I would like! On yet another hand, I would much rather have a good, dependable forum with a logo that's not my logo than a buggy forum with my logo. Go figure!
Navboard is still trying to save settings...hurry up...

[ 276 comments ] ( 33170 views )   |   ( 3 / 738 )
Forum is up! :) 
I found a forum...a good one...one of those free versions of a commercial forum. So far its dependable. The only problem is that it shows the company's logo on the main forum page. Blah! I'm looking for a better one.
I hope to see you guys down there!

[ 110 comments ] ( 11000 views )   |   ( 3 / 714 )
Warning: Forum is down 
Here I am at my aunt's huge house, typing away at this laptop which has not been connected to the Internet for ages! I deleted the forum. It was so buggy it was absolutely driving me crazy, so I am trying some other forum software. Then I will put on a guestbook (hopefully that will get a little more attention than my commentless blog! :) ).
My aunt has a very shy but very pretty cat called Spot. I saw her three times so far today, which is a record for me. I also got to pet her for the first time yesterday. I was sitting a chair reading a book of Far Side cartoons when she came up to me meowing, and I petted her, and she sat there for a minute, and then walked away. Usually she dashes away at the sight of us!
Clan Keeper is on hold for now. We bought Mario Kart for the Wii for a friend, and in the bargain we get to try it out. I will say how much I like it or don't like it: I NEED IT FOR CHRISTMAS! Do you get the idea? :)
Yesterday we spent ages going shopping. I tried out Wii Sports Resort at TWO different stores, plus I got to try to use an iPod at one of them. I just could not figure out how to properly navigate the menus of the iPod. Usually I can manage such things.
Anyway, see you guys later! I have to go and download some stuff!

[ 215 comments ] ( 4500 views )   |   ( 2.9 / 742 )

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