Admin news: Blog now only belongs to Alison 
Hello, Administrator here! Catherine Noonan has decided that she wants to have her own separate blog, so now this is Alison's Adventure Journal instead of the Noonan Adventure Journal. Thanks for visiting!

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What I hate about looking for software, part 1 
I really don't like software that...
--Doesn't tell you how much it costs or doesn't cost right out
--Doesn't tell you what the difference is between the demo and the real thing
--Has a website, but it doesn't work anymore
--Rambles on about how great it is and that it's free, but there are no downloads
--Doesn't have information on installing or using

You come across a lot of this stuff looking for software. At least on SourceForge the payment problems don't exist, but all the others do! The daily problems of a computer lover...:(

By the way, the related link is to, which is THE place to look for freeware and shareware. Doesn't it have a great name? I bet they had to get that one early on!

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Christmas in October? Yes! 
My family is going to be going to America soon. We're arriving back on Christmas Eve--yikes! We're going to have a jetlagged Christmas! :( However, so we can still have our tree, we're setting it up TODAY, listening to Christmas music, watching all the Christmas movies...etc. Hurray! Christmas in October!

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Another mix up -- sorry 
Okay, I forget to make the time properly. So if you think I was blogging at midnight, I wasn't! I just forget to properly format the time. I apologize!
p. s. When am I ever going to stop mixing up stuff? :)

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Sorry for the mix up 
I apologize...I first blogged as the Administrator instead of as Alison. So when you see "Administrator" on the first entry, please read "Alison" instead. Sorry!

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