Here's the news: 1) One more day! 2) New features! 3) I'd have to install Apache too for a MediaWiki wiki 
Okay, first things first: I'm going to America tomorrow! Can you believe I forgot until now?! We're going to be picked up to go to the airport at 7:30 pm, and I'm bringing the laptop with me. Maybe there will be Internet at the airport!

News number two: I've added a wiki and forums to my website! However, they are only for my friends. No offense to the person who happens to stumble across my website, but my parents feel much safer when I only allow people I already know to contact me through the Internet.

News number three: I'd also have to install an Apache web server to be able to set up a Wikipedia-style wiki. If I'm going to be doing all that anyway, why not turn my laptop into a web server? I don't know...I might be acting a little too ambitious. Comments, PLEASE! If you are looking at my blog, I would ABSOLUTELY AND COMPLETELY THANK YOU for leaving a nice comment!

The related link is, where you can download the wiki engine that was used for Wikipedia. It is absolutely free for people who are blessed with a database-and-PHP-equipped server.

[ 219 comments ] ( 9804 views )   |  related link  |   ( 3 / 656 )
Can I turn my computer into a mini-server? 
I have MySQL installed!
I could install PHP!
I don't care if I can't make an official website, you know, something like or anything like that!
Could I install MediaWiki and have my own Wikipedia-style wiki? Now that would be absolutely and completely cool!!! Personally, I would rather switch to a different server than make my own mini-server, but I take what works!
Or do I?
Comments, please!! If it won't work tell me!

[ 86 comments ] ( 13669 views )   |   ( 3 / 713 )
Should I switch to a different web server? 
The bads:
--Doesn't support PHP 5 or later
--Doesn't support any kind of databases
--Doesn't support Java servlets

The goods:
--Free because I'm just a sub directory of my dad's website
--Supports Perl and older versions of PHP
--Is not a Unix web server, therefore I usually don't need to do any chmod'ing.

The most annoying of the bads is no databases. Everything cool nowadays uses databases (well, maybe not everything, but all the wikis and forums and guestbooks that are easy to get use them!). I can manage to find stuff that uses flat files, but it takes a lot more time. The greatest of the goods is the fact that my website is completely free. I hate stuff where you have to pay for it month by month, because it's always hanging over you.

So, any comments? Should I switch? Please please please, leave me a comment if you look at my blog!! The Contact Me link sends an email to my dad's email address. I would appreciate a great deal more if you left a comment here!

[ 585 comments ] ( 13920 views )   |   ( 3 / 686 )
Admin news: Blog now only belongs to Alison 
Hello, Administrator here! Catherine Noonan has decided that she wants to have her own separate blog, so now this is Alison's Adventure Journal instead of the Noonan Adventure Journal. Thanks for visiting!

[ 233 comments ] ( 7787 views )   |   ( 3 / 721 )
What I hate about looking for software, part 1 
I really don't like software that...
--Doesn't tell you how much it costs or doesn't cost right out
--Doesn't tell you what the difference is between the demo and the real thing
--Has a website, but it doesn't work anymore
--Rambles on about how great it is and that it's free, but there are no downloads
--Doesn't have information on installing or using

You come across a lot of this stuff looking for software. At least on SourceForge the payment problems don't exist, but all the others do! The daily problems of a computer lover...:(

By the way, the related link is to, which is THE place to look for freeware and shareware. Doesn't it have a great name? I bet they had to get that one early on!

[ 258 comments ] ( 9204 views )   |  related link  |   ( 3 / 766 )

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