Hey, have you ever created a country? 
Have you? Most people haven't, I admit, but recently I created a real, working country with two of my friends. No, we did not invade the US :) but we made a website for our country. It's called Taose, and you can join and have fun!

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You are now looking at the blog of a proud conlanger :) 
I am a conlanger! Are you a conlanger? A conlanger is a person who creates constructed languages, which are imaginary languages. A conlang is a constructed language, and conlanging is making constructed languages.
I already have 5 languages: Kwywa, Kjaytla, Celdonian, Miishish, and Tai. Some of those names should have funny characters (you know, characters with thingys on top of them like the e in cafe) but I can't insert those characters with this software.
Ovae~dje!tl Yujhe'erlee! (Goodbye!)

[ 211 comments ] ( 17808 views )   |   ( 2.9 / 495 )
In the Land of Slow Internet with more ideas than the Kbps 
Hello again! I have not been working on Clan Keeper--sorry!--but have enjoyed making my text editor and doing linguistics stuff. For example, I can basically write anything in hieroglyphics now reasonably fast thanks to my handy hieroglyphic text editor JSesh. I am also designing a whole language--I'm not using my little cheat that I did with Firguese.
Also, my new free website host has allowed me to play with phpBB, MediaWiki, Joomla!, and all this other neat stuff that needs a database. If I ever learn PHP, I am so going to help out with writing good, flexible website apps that don't need any databases! Power to the text files!! :)

[ 99 comments ] ( 5215 views )   |   ( 3 / 855 )
Hello from a random library in America! 
I apologize that I have not been blogging...
Anyway, here I am in America, in a library with Internet and computers! Therefore I checked my forum for posts, did some stuff on my new website (more about that later), and discovered the awesome phpFormGenerator at SourceForge.
As for the new website: I started using my dad's old computer recently, and one day I was glancing without much interest at his links. Lo and behold, I found one named "Best Free Website Hosts". So I clicked on it and found out about ByetHost, a website host that will give you many subdomains at places like isgreat.org (so I can have something like ourforum.isgreat.org) with MySQL, PHP, and all that stuff! So naturally I signed up and checked it out, very suspicious that there was some dangerous catch.
There was a catch, but it was easily dealt with: the control panel for your sites is full of ads in the worst places, in your face, with popups, plus it was slow. But the website itself was definitely fast enough and worked perfectly. So hurray! I can have some great stuff like a seakitty site without having too long and funny a URL!! :):)
I have also been very very very very very greatly enjoying my forum with a friend of mine. Why don't you sign up do and participate in the fun, if you're my friend?
See you later!!

[ 263 comments ] ( 7095 views )   |   ( 3 / 867 )
Hurray! Forum posts, at last! 
Hurray! I visited two girls a while ago and they are STILL posting stuff on my forums! It's awesome! I get to interact with them even while I'm away. I am definately going to send some more people emails about it once we're back in the Land of Fast Internet.
I have also put up the Clan Keeper site but for now I'm working on Alison Text, the world's simplest text editor. It has two distinguishing features: there are only three keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl-X, Ctrl-C, and Ctrl-V) and you can click on a menu item to switch the font between Times New Roman and Courier. My rewrite of it has been very satisfying. I have destroyed the unneeded variables lurking around to trip me up and have make a clean, simple text editor that works. It even shows a little asterisk on the title bar when there's been a change! Isn't that so professional?
My website also now has polls at www.peternoonan.net/Alison/polls. Go there and leave your opinion!
Anyway, I'm staying at the house of a friend with a boy and a girl. The boy is about my age and the girl is about Catherine's age. We love playing with their trains and bikes. Today we're going swimming!

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